Everyone has a date...
"Here's how it works. The number of possible universes is basically
infinite. So there's almost certainly, in Sinhababu's view, a possible
world in which a girl or guy is romantically devoted to someone who fits
my description exactly, or who otherwise just is me. Suppose for the
sake of argument that the feeling is mutual (it of course isn't; I
happen to have a girlfriend who I love very much and who inhabits the
same world I do). What we'd have then are two people who are interested
and romantically devoted to each other. Usually we call that "dating."
It's non-traditional, of course, and communication between partners
in different modal universes is difficult if not impossible; it makes
Skype relationships look like a literal honeymoon. But plenty of people
have non-traditional relationships these days. Neil, I think, makes a
convincing case. So take heart, lonely hearts. Given some pretty strong
metaphysical assumptions, you might have a partner!"
read more here
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